The athletic facilities are exactly why BK will probably stay at Cincinnati...hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to him this weekend to see what he might have to say on some things.
In any case...I find it kind of funny that you are taking the role of being a defender of Ohio State when it comes to CINCINNATI. Stealing the "little brother" mantra...being upset that Cincinnati is trying to get some glory...
There could be a couple reasons for this...
A.) You are scared of Cincinnati right now
B.) You are scared of Cincinnati in the near future
If you weren't worried about Cincinnati at all, then you wouldn't be up in arms about anything they do, because they're below you. But instead, you are treating them as if they are on your level, and the remarks you've made are what result.
It's no different than Michigan/Michigan State going on. I don't really care what MSU is doing right now in recruiting/on the field/in their department, because I don't think they're a threat at all to catch or surpass Michigan in the grand scheme of things. Treat it like that if you're not really scared of Cincinnati.
IMHO, I think you *should* be scared of what Cincinnati can offer in the very near future.