ESPN did a piece on Sunday Countdown in mid november where they got all the 3-4 NTs together and asked them how much did they actually weigh. I remember the guy with the Pats, just kept saying higher higher, almost to 400lbs.
My point, lot of draft analysts talk out of their asses just to be heard. These guys are right 1 out of a 100x. Their analysis is pure guess work, because you don't know how the player will turn out once he's in a set environment. They said Chad Johnson was going to be a nuisance in the NFL, his interviews were awful and yet, he's had a very successful career and is a valued teammate. Freddie Mitchell of all people was more highly touted that this guy, Fred Ex now shows up at random events to get his face on tv.
Its all a crap-shoot, untill these guys hit the field.