ryne candy
Aggie C/O '01
Until I hear something from a bigger site, I'll just file this away but....
Multiple sources in Texas tell me today that a deal to allow Texas A&M to join the SEC has been agreed to in principle. An additional source – unconfirmed at the moment but typically reliable – tells me all 12 conference members have voted unanimously to accept A&M into the league. Speculation out of Texas has the Aggies playing football in the SEC during the 2012 season, not in 2013 or 2014 as I first heard.
We’ll update as rumors are confirmed or denied. If this is all true, it tracks with information I was given late last week that a deal between Texas A&M and the SEC was imminent.
More later…
FOR THE RECORD: It needs to be understood that we are not journalists. Adam, Jeff, and I work on this blog part time, typically during lunch breaks and at night. Unless we specifically say otherwise, please understand that we are “talking out loud” as we track down stories and send/receive information from our sources and journalist friends.
UPDATE I: I have a second source with ties to Aggie administration officials that confirms the Aggies and the SEC have been discussing a contract for membership. No one is willing/able to confirm that the deal is complete, though.