Just wanted to drop in and say hello from my hotel in NYC. Long day today - up early and demo'ed Madden 10 to a TON of press people from 10 to 4. It was good to meet a lot of folks I hadn't really talked to much before like Brian Ekberg from Gamespot, PastaPadre, and Chris from NCAA Strategies (and many many more people that I will have to check back in my contact list to remember their names). The game showed pretty well (I believe) - we are holding a ton of stuff back until E3 so I felt really hamstrung with what we could show today, but just the PRO-TAK tech alone really wowed a ton of people...so that was encouraging. After an event like this it's a good reminder to all the tuning we still have to do as a few things were still 'cringe-worthy' (as I call them), but all in all I think the reactions were quite positive even we were showing what I believe was an extremely limited demo.
Speaking of PRO-TAK, it is going to be on display in the video on GTTV tonight, so I can't wait for you guys to see it. I am dead for tonight and have a ton of stuff booked tomorrow so I don't know if I'll be on after the video displays, but I look forward to you all picking apart everything as usual and finding the good and bad. You'll see some stuff that you don't like I'm sure (I know I did), but I really hope you get a bit of a surprise when you see PRO-TAK on full display. Looking forward to the impressions...
Peace out - see you in a few days.