1.No, you're mad about losing to a team I root for because I give you shit all the time Freeman has sucked (which has been all season). 2.You hyped up your overrated fuck of a quarterback and your team all off-season and are sitting at 4-7 with no playoff shot whatsoever. I don't give a fuck what you think about our playoff chances are. I'm just enjoying watching my team playing.
We were supposed to be last in the AFC South, in contention for Luck and out of the playoff picture completely when Britt went down in the third game. Instead (to the misfortune of Indianapolis obviously, I realize that, but oh well), we're 6-5 and in the WC hunt with maybe the youngest defense in the league along with an offense who has been widely inconsistent but has some nice young talent.
I'm not getting my hopes for a huge let down because frankly, I didn't have any expectations for this season. If we make the playoffs, that's awesome and I'm excited to see the next game. If we don't, I'm disappointed but glad we surpassed expectations.
3.It seems like you're jealous because I was supposed to be the fan of a 4-7 squad while your team was supposed to be contending for a playoff berth. But instead, the roles are reversed. That's the unpredictability of the NFL.
The only predictable thing about this season has been you acting like a whiny bitch after every loss. Unlike the young Tennessee Titans fighting for a WC spot or the Tim Tebow-led Denver Broncos challenging for the AFC West crown, I think we all saw this coming.
1.SMH at you or anyone else thinking I get mad at losing to any team because one of you fags troll. That has absolutely 0 bearing on me being mad. Im mad because we gave a game away that we should have won, period. Unlike a lot of you I genuinely can give a shit about how you may or may not feel about pretty much anything. Its hilarious to see people get so mad over some shit I may say about my favorite team. People get genuinely pissed about the most mundane shit on here.
2. Which brings me to my next point, I never hyped up Freeman or the Bucs. It started off ass me being excited about having a QB that was playing lights out and being happy to seemingly have something TB has never had, a franchise QB. All of a sudden people started getting agitated and hating on Freeman while I was calling it how I saw it, letting his play dictate my opinion while clowns like yourself judged him based on your opinion of him and you being generally irked by me , not his play on the field so I took the shtick and ran with it. It was easy.
While he was winning game after game and playing as good as most QBs in the league the usual suspects just scoffed at his production. Fast forward to this season and its the same shit only they can say I told you so even though he would get the same hate no matter how he performs, last season proved that.
As for me hyping up my team, never did that. Never made any proclamations or claimed we would win anything but again, you let your opinion assume I claimed we would be something that we are not.
3. Hi-fucking-larious. No idea where that dumb ass assumption is coming from. I call it how I see it, not how I want it to be based on the asshole Im responding too. When I said Freeman was a Franchise QB, Sanchez sucked etc.... It was based on their production, period.
When I speak on the Titans its based on what I see not because Im addressing :woy: Unlike you and a lot of faggots on this site I dont carry grudges because I truly dont give a shit about you or how you perceive me. If I call you a faggot or we have a dispute for whatever reason ur a faggot for that moment and I move on until you are being a faggot again inbetween its no "beef", I dont give a shit about your rants about your team or anyting else for that matter. Not the case for a lot of dudes who post here.
Jealous? :yao: Silly shit. :niggaplease: "Does he look like a bitch?"
All that said it simply posted a response to your post, wasnt some out the blue shit.