even if he deserved it (which I don't think he did) doesn't mean you do it. Blount talked shit all week. Saying how they were going to go into Boise and take care of business but the second someone talks shit back to him they get a punch in the face. If you are going to talk shit then you have to be prepared to receive shit talking after putting up a horrific effort.
I also heard that Blount said he didn't even hear what the dude said and punched him because he was touched.
and I still can't believe there were people saying the Boise player should have been suspended.
Blount really didn't talk shit about Boise, and he definitely didn't talk shit "all week" like you are saying.
All Bount said was "we owe them an ass whoopin," that is not talking shit. That is just saying that you owe them an ass whoopin. Talking shit would be "we are going to kick their ass," or "they suck, we are going to whoop their ass." He said "we owe them an ass whoopin," that's not talking shit, that is truth, they did owe them one. Unfortunately for him and his team, they couldn't deliver.
Talking smack before the game is one thing. Hitting one of the players pads and then talking smack after the game is a whole nother thing. Everyone knows that words are exchanged before, during, and sometimes after the games. You don't touch another person, ever. That's the bottom line. You touch someone, especially after you just beat them and they are feeling like shit, and then talk shit you better expect to be punched in the face.
The Boise State player instigated the entire thing. He deserves some punishment (more than just a punch in the face) because he was the one that initiated all the unsportsmanlike conduct. Sure Blount acted like a moron and didn't do the right thing, but I believe the Boise player deserved to be punched in the face and should be suspended for 1 game or a half or something for acting like a jackass. Nonetheless, the sore jaw he woke up to will most likely remind him to never touch a player on the opposing team after the game again so that punch probably taught him a good lesson.
Why the fuck would anyone be touching players on the other team after the game and talking shit in their faces? You just don't do that. And if you do do that expect to be punched in the face or some sort of retaliation.