The Buddha
Junior Member
First rule of Mock Drafting is "Don't take yourself seriously."...nobody knows anything...not even NFL personnel men (every team in the league drafts players that are bums before their rookie contracts are up)...not until these guys get their asses into camp and actually playing. Most players success is determined by what team they go to in the first place and there are only a few players in each draft that you can say with some kind of certainty that they'll succeed.
Until then, its all opinion, meaningless conjecture, and stuff to do for fun...especially Mocks, which are all complete garbage.
The only two mocks I take even remotely serious are the ones done the Friday before the draft...typically Scott Wright's and Rich Gosselin's, they just tend to be the most accurate in an non-accurate business.
With that said, lighten up, Francis.
I always thought the first rule of mock drafting is you dont talk about mock drafting.