I hated every fucking second of it because I hate scare games, but it was a cool game that was worth the 5 hours or so it took.
The 'scares' became...not really repetitive but more obvious and easier to see coming as you progress. There was a formula to how it would try to scare you and often you'd be moving through an area where you'd feel like something could happen, it wouldn't, but the next similar situation...it would. Audio clues, once you pick up on them, help anticipation as well. Despite it all, the scares are very "in your face" and will still get a reaction out of you.
Definitely have your heart pumping when the big guys are after you, they pursue intelligently enough that you'll panic like hell and get lost trying to find your way out. The regular dudes with machetes you can literally run right past, back n forth, usually without getting hit, which was a bit silly but required due to the environment (small hallways, not too many places to go). The big guys make some pretty quick ground, one part was bloody impossible to accomplish if you get spotted, there was basically no way to lose the guy once he saw you.
The game structure was very wash, rinse, repeat. Go to X, press button, oh noes shit happens, go flip 3 levers to fix it (and don't forget every time hide in a locker when the bad guy comes to investigate), return to X, press button that now works. Move on to the next area.
I did enjoy not having any way to fight back, always made wandering around intense because you have no fall back to save your ass but to run and hope there's somewhere you can hide. That part of the game drove me forward through the end, always waiting for that next "oh shit runnnnnnn" part. The hiding as mentioned wasn't as simple as I suggested, in later stages the enemies will random search through the hiding spots, so you'll have a good pants shit when that's going down.