This is a blog ran by Fred from Sportsgamer/PastaPadre
An Indianapolis radio station is reporting a rumor that Colts’ quarterback Peyton Manning had a third surgery this week and is out for the season. WNDE radio host Jake Query reported a source told him that Manning had a third surgery either Sunday or Monday and is likely done for the year. A second source told Query that the surgery was on Manning’s lower back, not his neck, as was the case with two previous surgeries. Query also tweeted the following on his Twitter account:
Can you imagine the repercussions if what this guy is saying is true and Manning misses the year? It makes the AFC South wide open. Seriously, other than the Colts nobody is very good. The Texans are picked every year to make some noise, yet never make the playoffs. If they can’t win it this year without Manning playing, I never want to hear about how they are going to do a damn thing again. Colts fans are already in denial. Just look at the first comment on the radio show link from ‘Steven Wilson’.
Is this guy serious? I can’t believe some idiot actually gave his post a thumbs up. Maybe he assumed Steven was being sarcastic, because he surely couldn’t be serious. Who’s going to ‘step up to the plate and deliver’? Kerry Collins decrepit body, or the quarterback who sucked at Purdue, Curtis Painter? As a Purdue alum, I can tell you right now Painter stinks. He did nothing at Purdue, and won nothing. I’m surprised he is even in the NFL to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, I wish him all the best, but he’s not very good. Either way, Colts fans better hope this rumor doesn’t end up being true because it’s going to be a long season. Goober was going to eventually retire, maybe you’ll get an early taste of what the post-Manning era will look like.