The image, seen below, shows 12 characters. Four of them are known, announced and confirmed characters: Heihachi, Toro, Jak and Cole. However, eight of them are characters that -- if this image is real -- have yet to be announced. Among them are two characters that appear to be Raiden from Metal Gear Solid and Dante from Ninja Theory’s DmC.
The remaining six characters are easy enough to identify: Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank), Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet), Spike (Ape Escape), Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil), Nariko (Heavenly Sword) and, surprisingly, Evil Cole (Infamous). The latter makes the Cole that was already revealed, presumably, Good Cole. (There is some speculation that Evil Cole could be Nathan Hale from Resistance.)