Finished Mirror's Edge tonight. FANTASTIC gameplay. The story is horrible lol, but if you're one who can appreciate a game for the gameplay alone, then this is a game you should play. The platforming is in another league when compared to other games, especially in Chapter 8. The platforming doesn't hold your hand at all, which I loved. You have to figure out how to get to your objective, the game wont tell you step for step. It's really cool b/c you can bypass all combat scenarios if you're careful enough until the final chapter, which is pretty cool these days since most games are so combat heavy. Like I mentioned, the story is forgettable, in fact, I didn't even really pay attention after a couple chapters. If you appreciate good gameplay and/or platforming, then this is a must play. Hopefully for Mirror's Edge 2 (I would be surprised if we didn't get the reveal at E3) they can improve the story so I can care about the characters and possibly improve the combat a little bit (but like I said, you can bypass most so it's not that big of a deal).