be careful houtz. he will leave you holding the bag.
Ok Steel, you win. I tried to handle this through PMs, but you want to make it public. So I'll talk...
I played 3 games for the VSSML. You played 4 games for the VSSML. My final game in the first four-game-wave was against the Eagles owner (who you suggested because he's reliable and he was "your guy", and who I personally didn't want to invite because he had one post in like 3 months, but I let him join anyway at your word). I chased him for days, constantly IMed him, constantly IMed YOU (which I'm sure you remember), and we still never got our game in.
So, I decided I would go on to my next game assuming he was never going to show up. I IMed my next opponent (Lupe) and he said he dropped from the league. So I went to my next guy (his IM was E r i kk mo or something; forget his team), and we never really got a date set up (kind of did that "let's play sometime Wednesday" bullshit; that I should've done a better job of).
Then WE [you and I] talked, and WE decided the league was over because people were dropping (which is why I'm totally baffled by this whole scenario). I distinctly remember asking you what we should do, and you said we will set it up again at another time and get new owners. I figured this marked the end of VSSML.
If I did something wrong in this scenario, I really do apologize for doing so. My intentions for the league were good, and I never meant to tamper it in any way. I have no problem with you, and you know I would've loved to see us build the PS3 fan-base together.
What I DON'T understand is where you interpreted what I did as bailing on the league. Like I said before, we had talked about it and we both felt it was best to start the league over at another time.
So my question to you in this whole rant: what is it that I said or did that gave you the impression I bailed on the VSSML?