If you ever want PG let me know. I'll be SG/SF and get my scoring game on.
It's easy playing with yall as a PG. Rules I follow for myself:
1. If I pass it to herm, stay at the top of the 3 point line to stop the fast break in case of a miss because 80% of the time he will shoot.
2. If the ball goes down low, stay up top because it's probably not coming back out lol.
3. Be patient because I'm going to get at least 3-4 easy buckets the way the other team usually plays D
4. Don't f*ck it up with TO's.
hey now i had 8 assists in the game i was SG and you were PG.
We've never had this much ps3 2k activity around here. If this keeps up ill buy the game every year. Teamup is pretty damn fun with guys you know.
You earn VC for every game you play and that virtual currency can be applied to your myplayer's slightly askew Miami Heat flatbills.