You would be a great NFL Commissioner. The league's popularity would reach new heights under your regime.
Why do you think the NFL should not be policing off the field conduct?
The job of policing off the field conduct belongs to the police & prosecutors. And if the public becomes outraged cause a sentence doesn't fit the crime, it is up to them to force change by getting the gov to change the laws. It's not Goodell's fault Vick is free after dog fighting. It's the lawmakers fault for making the punishment less than 5 years. It's not the Ravens responsibility to make Rice pay for hitting his wife. That was Vegas'. Make the jury sentences tougher and they won't have a career to go back to.
The NFL, which is to say, Goodell, does a horrible job because he allows PR & the media to dictate who gets what, what gets what. If the laws of the country don't address a situation, do we really think corporate america is best suited to fill in the morality gap? Has the threat of Goodell's wrath done anything to prevent NFL players from ending up on the police blotter? I've noticed zero change.
People are looking in the wrong direction to fix the law & order problems of the country. Go after the politicians, law enforcement etc that allows money power & fame to behave badly & get away with it. It's not up to the commissioners to fix it. What's worse we've created a situation where a person (not saying so w/Rice or Vick) can do absolutely nothing illegal & have his job in peril because it was a slow news day & the intolerant media stokes public outcry.