ok homer pile... lemme get this right... eli, who has a ring and wins games late, is a qb you wouldn't take over tony romo? come on man, don't be derrville, don't be that guy who has to take romo cuz he's a cowboy. romo falls apart late, he always has. his team doesn't help him as much as eli's helps him, but eli (as much as I hate to admit this) has some poise late while romo looks lost in the lights. maybe it's because he knows that defense is gonna help him so he takes more chances, or maybe it is because he makes some of the luckiest plays i have ever seen. whatever 'it' is, romo ain't go it. and until they get a coach with authority and/or a gm that is not jerrah, that team will always be overrated and under-preforming. not that i mind of course, seeing dallas lose always makes my chanuka happy.
p.s. in that list of people you put above romo you forgot a few..
rivers, flacco, ryan, stafford, a. smith...
Maybe you missed the part of my post where I said I wasn't going to get into a Romo/Eli argument.
Also some of the people you included in your list are just awful choices. Ryan, hasn't done anything in the playoffs yet which is the same reason people hate on Romo. But maybe you are on that Jhen shit where, if he had a little more time in the pocket, he would be a HoF. Alex Fucking Smith, really!? LOL.
You can have Rivers outstanding 27 to 20 TD/INT ratio, clearly he is clutch and makes all the right decisions or Joe Flacco, the game manager who still threw more INTs than Romo but has a fucking defense who actually plays.
I'll give you Stafford tho because he had an unbelievable year this year.