i personally think your all idiots....this rocket catch is nowhere close to as bad as before, and its harder to execute... most of us signed up here to get games with sim players, so who really gives a fuck if theres a rocket catch seeing we all play against other sim players... seriously take your fucking tampons out and find a different topic to bitch about
If you dont want rocket catch, dont play ranked games, or try and make your own football game see how hard that is..., most of the players here are clowns anyways that would cry about any little flaw from a no huddle to rocket catch to the fact that somebody ran "more then 6 toss plays in a game" seriously, sim rules apply differently to everybody, if you lose, chances are the other person cheated, I;'ve seen plenty of people here try and say that about eachother.
Not trying to trash or hate on anybody here, cuz we are a good community, but seriously... enough of the SAME shit every year every week. One guy says you called the same play more then 3 times...you ran too much, you passed too much, one catch you just so happened to rocket catch, "oh all i call is cover 3, your cheesing for calling a WR screen and taking advantage of the fact i play zone all game"