Kyle got fired
this situation is so fucking retarded. they should have just traded him in the offseason. everyone knew it wouldnt work out then, but Shannahan tried to big dick him and send a message that he wouldnt trade players who pout, then he tried to big dick him with the conditioning test, and all season long he has been small potatoes. whatever message they were trying to say, the only one that came across was "we are totally inept".
The redskins, at any time, had the option to get rid of Haynesworth, and they still havent. this is like that one friend we all have on facebook who constantly bitches about their signifigant others and how terrible that they are treated. the simple solution is to dump the motherfucker and move on with your life. when you hang onto something that makes you unhappy, you have noone to blame but yourself for not doing something about it.
so people are going to come into this thread and blame albert, when he wouldnt be behaving this way if his coaches tried to actually support him instead of constantly punishing him. trade him to a situation that makes him happy, or create one where hes at (and Haynesworth isnt the only player on that defense that is not a fit for the 3-4, most of those guys arent good in the scheme) and he could be the best DT in the league, and if hes still miserable, the redskins dont have to worry about it anymore. this is why Washington sucks. They did the same thing with McNabb benching him in the 4th quarter then giving him piles of money right afterwards. noone put a gun to their head and made them sign those checks.
your getting paid all that fucking money you do what your are told bottom line. fuck this prick. Yes shanny is stubborn but if you let the players run the team you are fucked. but when you tell the coach when you are and arent going to play give me a break, Favre only does that.
Ill eat crow, I thought and said last year this was great but I was wrong and disagreed with the guys that said he is a baby wont play a full season etc.
Bottom line
Snyder fucked up siging this piece of shit
They should have traded back to the Titans for a bag of balls
The only thing they did right through this is hold this bitch hostage and not release him so he cant go and sign somewhere else.