It is one of the most bizzare scenarios I've ever seen in a sporting event.
:04 seconds before the end of the half,,,,a fan on the sidelines, dressed up as a fake official, blew his whistle and ran on the field to potentially call a penalty. He even had the right arm signals and was about to take the ball and re-spot it, but he was made. Probably due to the fact he was dresssed like a ref, but his shirt was exactly the same, and he had shorts. One official took one look at him, and he darted off running from the refs, taking off his shirt to probably jump in the stands and maybe hide amongst them. This was unrelated to the brawl, but it distracted officials away from seperating players having words.
While this was going on,,,4 players off the ball got into a fight, with people running everywhere, the teams just rushed the field, and chaos continued to ensue.