Donal Logue better kill Tara, but more importantly he best be used to his potential. We deserve to see him interact with Roosevelt somehow and can I get a Michael Raymond James cameo plz?
Even though I'm still terribly frustrated with Clay still being alive, I'm glad we can go past the whole WE NEED EVIDENCE bullshit. Before Bobby had a change of heart, who wouldn't have voted for Clay dying based off what the President, the VP and the Sgt had to say and feel about him? Either way, it was the best cop-out they could have done. Clay is ruined, kicked out, confessed and safe from Jax kind of. Hopefully Roosevelt gets word of who was behind the Nomad attacks. Or we can just forget about him.
The Cartel nonsense is ridiculous. First it's 'We're the CIA! We'll take you down.. with the justice system!', now that all hopes of that are crushed, it's "We're gangsters, we'll take your guns and money and if not, WE'LL TAKE YOU DOWN... with GUNS!" Do these two guys remember they're supposed to be CIA agents? This whole plot makes no sense and they're just used as a matter of convenience first with one of their best characters in Lincoln Potter's investigation just getting immediately tossed out the window because WE ARE CIA OMG LOL. And now, TENSION BETWEEN THE IRISH AND THE SONS BECAUSE OF THE CARTEL TO FORCE PLOT LINES. Ugh.
Unser dies next episode. Hopefully by Donal Logue if anyone. Future RIP Unser.
edit - also, Jax sucks at trades. Opie, Tig's daughter and Tig for Pope's daughter makes no sense, as does Jax trusting Pope so much. HE KILLED YOUR BEST FRIEND.
Let the Jimmy Smits overacting begin.