To stop supporting a team you have to have a genuine beef with ownership. For example, after enduring the Culverhouse era in which there was an admission of not trying to spend money to improve the team, I vowed that I would never support a team that is not showing a commitment to winning. I can handle losing as long as the organization isn't tanking it. For example, I am a big hockey fan and I love the Lightning. Just because the Lightning were one of the worst teams in the Eastern conference last season doesn't mean I am not going to support them. Ownership was fractured, but, the guy calling the shots (Oren Koules) was trying to have no problem spending money on the Lightning.
On the other hand, if an owner ever decides to go the way of Culverhouse again, I won't support that team. I'll take my money elsewhere. I lived through intentional mediocrity once and it was awful. That is going on right now with the Bucs and I still watch, but, I don't have my season tickets anymore and I haven't bought a single piece of Buccaneer apparel this season. The Glazers showed a commitment to first. Now, they have a track record for not spending as evidenced by the lack of cap money spent over the last 5 years and the lack of guaranteed cash paid out over the last 5 years. Add in the firing of Gruden (save me the "they still have to pay him arguments) and the hiring of cheap labor in Morris and Dominik and the veteran cuts to save money and it is all pretty clear. They are focused on ManU and the Bucs are second fiddle. They have packed up their tent, so I will too.
Gruden will coach next year and wherever he does, that organization will have several new fans...myself included.
What you are really going to find out with the uncapped year coming is who is going to spend money to win and who is going to hoard money and simply collect a revenue sharing check (i.e. the Culverhouse Bucs).