The NFL is taking away millions of dollars of salary-cap space belonging to the Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins for front-loading contracts during the uncapped 2010 season, according to league sources.
The salary cap is projected to be $120.6 million in 2012, but the Cowboys will lose $10 million, while the Redskins will be docked $36 million in cap space, sources said.
Dallas and Washington can split the cap loss over the 2012 and '13 seasons in whatever form they prefer, with $1.6 million each going to the other 28 NFL teams, the sources said.
The New Orleans Saints and Oakland Raiders are the only two teams that will not receive a portion of the money.
During the pre-lockout 2010 season, the collective bargaining agreement expired and the league operated without a salary cap.
According to sources, the Cowboys and Redskins took immediate cap hits during the 2010 season that normally would have been spread out over the length of the contracts, giving them an advantage that other NFL owners found unfair.
The league took an abnormally long time to release the 2012 cap number, due in part to the fact that the league was trying to decide how to handle the issues, the sources said.
According to the sources, the deductions are not termed as violations, but are part of a recent agreement the NFL and the Players Association made to raise the salary cap number while preserving benefit increases and the performance pool.