No matter what the Yankees do they will be criticized. If the Yankees signed Johan last year for a huge contract people would have been saying the same thing they are now, but instead we didn't so people say the Yankees were dumb for not signing him.
And whoever was talking about homegrown talent is dumb. Yes the Red Sox do have good young talent, but dont be that ignorant. Yankees have Cano, Jeter, Posada, Melky, Gardner, Joba, Huges, Kennedy, and very good farm system.
The Yankees are not built on homegrown talent, but neither are the redsox. They have both been the same type of team for a few years now, except the red sox have been smarter with talent they pick up.
And I agree with everyone who says there needs to be a cap, but if they have the money why should they not spend it. They have an advantage which is completely legal in the rules, why not use it? Its like me throwing a 100 mph in high school, but the coach tells me to throw with my left because its unfair for other teams. (dumb but i think it applies)