Wait, so you don't buy the new $40 version, you just download the updates? If that's the case then this whole argument is moot. My whole issue is with the re-release of a physical disc for $40, not updating the game.
I was actually jumping back on to mention MK when I saw your post. Seth assumes I have some problem with fighting games as a whole, which is a piss poor assumption. My problem is with Capcom (and Apple, Nintendo, etc.) and teh whole re-release of the physical discs. I have no issues with releasing updates for games. I actually think what they are doing with MK is great, even if maybe some of the content is over priced. But if MK went the route and release a Special Edition or a Tournament Edition in a few months for $40 or more than yeah, that's where my problem lies.
So let me clarify. If you are supporting the game by paying for significant updates via download, good on you. It's the re-releases that I think are complete bullshit.