I would like a detailed Twigg rage spreadsheet just for this thread. In the last 10 or so pages he has been: 1) mad about insignificant DLC shit he doesn't have to buy (but will); 2) mad about not enough useless achievements in said DLC shit that he doesn't have to buy; and oh yeah, 3) bitching about what games some random dudes at a website that he dislikes, plays. Oh yeah, and one of said dudes, died. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
How would we itemize the chart? By specific thing that he rages about (this has potential since he's been bitching about the same shit since 2010), or do we go more general and just show periods of bitching, how they spike, and then specify why he was bitching about a those times? This could be useful for determining what season of Twigg bitching we're currently in.
That being said, back to random thoughts: jms, what does that mean? What do you do again?
Even more randomer thoughts: my new laptop came with a TB HDD, and in 3 or so days I have already filled a quarter of it. :cottoncandy: