This is rage? Really? In what kind of sheltered world do you live in where this comes even remotely close to rage?
I'm not sure why you're getting so emotional about this shit. I despise JRPGs. It's no secret. There's not many things more annoying than seeing a new post on this fledgling forum in the Arcade Random Thoughts Thread, clicking on it, only to see it's more and more talk about JRPGs. After about the twentieth posts I suggest you guys make your own thread, which I would think for a sane individual that would make perfect sense. I'm actually surprised no one thought of it before. Then you start whining like a fucking middle school girl on her period about how I hate everything and my life must be so miserable,. No, I think I just hate most of the shit you love which is why the complaints I do have stand out that much more to you. My life is pretty amazing actually.
Have I seen shit that no one on this Earth would ever want to see if their life depended on it? Absolutely. Am I more bitter than the average person? No question. I deal with the dregs of society on a daily basis and usually when they are at their lowest points of their life. But please don't think for a second that my life isn't amazing, because it is. I love gaming. I love certain types of games and I despise other types. Just like with my job there usually isn't a gray area so when I talk about something I love I will go on and on about it (Saints Row 3 for one, but you never hear "Twigg, fucking christ stop heaping praise on that game asshole!"), and with shit I despise I will speak as vehemently about that as well. But of course, that's the only thing that most people pick up on. Do I give a fuck? Not a fucking chance.
Not that I can see it changing things one iota, but I did just pm Atlas and ask him to remove my quasi-mod abilities because to be quite honest, it was pretty pointless that I had them in the first place. I don't think I've ever moderated a single thing yet and I sure as shit don't do the shitty podcast anymore, so what's the point?