Been diving deep into Dark Souls again. Man, the game is such a fucker. Last night in Blighttown one of these little toxic blowdart assholes (who are as black as a shadow standing in an already poorly lit cave area where you have to pay attention to where you're walking -- no, not because of the dogs that breath fire and the crazy purple dudes that remind me of the Reapers from Firefly -- no, you have to pay attention because it's this rickety collection of platforms where a wrong roll or step can mean insta-death) was shooting at me and I was sprinting in any direciton I could just to buy myself enough time to figure out where the damn things were coming from. Run into crazy fire breathing flying spider beast, shout in surprise (see also: kind of like a girl), terrify dog, cat and girlfriend. Catch a face full of fire, turn, club to the face from chasing Reaper monster, roll, use Estes, get clubbed, roll, fall, somehow survive, now facing another spider beast, roll out of the way into poison water, get poisoned, get caught on fire again by chasting spider beast, then finally stung to death by a flying red wasp that shoots an exploding cloud of blood from its stinger.
Back to the bonfire to try and somehow make my way back through that shitstorm again to try and recover. :smh: