A technical glitch led Walmart to mark down a ton of brand new video games early this morning, and as a result, some lucky shoppers got their hands on $60 games like Grand Theft Auto V and Battlefield 4 for just $18 each.
The glitch, which led Walmart's website to show super-cheap prices for many products this morning, has since been fixed, and handwaved by Walmart as a "technical error." Although Walmart hasn't yet answered whether they'll be honoring all of the orders put through last night, some people were able to order items and pick them up at their local stores today.
Some say they got Walmart to honor really crazy deals—like monitors for $9 and $2,000 TVs for just a few hundred bucks—but we could only confirm the games. Kotaku reader David sent in some photos (above) of his own haul—two copies of Battlefield 4 and two copies of Pokémon X/Y.3
A whole bunch of gamers have gathered in a thread on the CheapAssGamer forums to talk about what they've snagged. One savvy shopper brought the Walmart glitch to Target and convinced them to price-match four brand new games for $18 each.45
We've reached out to Walmart to find out if they'll be honoring all of the orders