Gonna roll an Infiltrator for this Insanity run. Cloak ftw. But I realized I had to platinum these two games now otherwise I fear I never will. Glad I got ME3's plat out of the way already. That first optional Cerberus mission is such an effective way to collect the Overload trophy. :yep:
Actually I think I'm going to import my ME1 Adept save and try that out. I remember Adepts being pretty damn powerful in this game. We'll see if I hold up.
If I recall correctly, Adepts were almost impossible on Insanity. I did it with a Soldier and it wasn't that hard at all, save for the fight on that first Collector seized planet (Soldiers are kind of boring, I know, but Adrenaline Rush saved the day like, 1.5 billion times on my Insanity run). I've heard Infiltrator isn't bad either, particularly if you take the crazy sniper rifle the first time you're in the Collector Ship.