Yeah, and you also have to stand a certain distance away and hit the buttons in an EXACT time frame or it doesn't work. I remember my cousin and I trying fatalitites in MK for hours and only getting them to work about 10% of the time.
Wow, I know I'm shocked that you would agree. And I've said many times that I don't like nor do I play fighting games. So it's not something that comes second nature to me. I can't remember the last time I played one? Ultimate MK on XBLA maybe? And trying to play that with the shitty 360 d-pad is a joke.
So spare me the whole "I have to agree" bullshit. There is no other genre of games that requires you to memorize and pull off button combos like in fighting games. So yes, for someone like me that never plays them, pressing four or more buttons in quick succession at an exact distance and exact timing is not an easy thing to do.