Freeman Error
I think the point of that column was not that she was fat..moreso thatshe didn't work hard enough and while she has the ability to perhaps be the best player ever but she lacks the motivation and too often show sup out of shape. Yeah Whitlock is fat but it doesn't make his critique of Serena any less valid IMO.For instance, he called Serena Williams out for not being in shape (look at yourself, you fat slob) and having too much "junk in the trunk."
Not sure how much you know about the Indiana in general but it's not all Hoosiers and Larry Bird.Another thing that bothers me is that he'll occasionally borrow from the Stu Scott School of Slang to give him some sort of hip factor, when really he's not street in anyway (sorta like Stu). Fucker played OL at Ball State, Dave Letterman's alma mater...that ain't gangsta.
Gary Indiana is a run down ghetto hell hole. Indianapolis(where Whitlock is from) has everything major cities haves, including gang violence projects etc.
I see the generalization you are trying to make but it doesn't exactly fit.
Stu Scott's shit is lame as hell and while Whitlock does it occasionally it's no where near as frequent or annoying as Stu's.
When Whitlock was first starting out at the KC Star, writing for and guesting on Sports Reporters, he was easily one of my favorite columnists. But he's become such a joke in the last 3-5 years.
I agree he comes off as bitter as all hell about the ESPN, and has played into the "I was fired for being too real" angle but for the msot part I ignore that shit and just concentrate on his main ideas and thesis' of his writings which I generally find to be very good.