<B>November 3, 1997
The Hogan/Sting press conference for Starrcade
<B>November 10, 1997
*The night after Montreal…..
This one's worth a note because Sting gets stopped FOR THE FIRST TIME by the nWo here. Problem was….Sting acts like he was shot when all it was….was a single punch to the back by Hogan.
nWo beats Sting up as the show ends.
<B>November 24, 1997
Another stupid gimmick with the nWo attacking a Sting dummy.
<B>December 8, 1997
With Sting nowhere in sight for about 3 weeks now, funny shit happens. Such as the lights going out and when they come back on, Savage is out cold in the ring with a sting mask on his face.
At 9:23 of this video, you'll see the clip. They do the Sting dummy gimmick again as it crashes from the rafter. But when Hogan goes to take the mask off…..it's the real Sting and Hogan pisses his pants. Sting lays out the rest of the nWo.
<B>December 15, 1997
No video but Sting plays more mind games, going around the arena when the lights go out. Show goes off the air as Sting walks to the ring for Hogan.
<B>December 22, 1997
The go home show for Starrcade. Bret Hart shows up and the controversy is whether he's nWo or not.
Hogan receives a gift and it's a fake head of his. Hogan's acting is shit. Sting meanwhile shows up on top of the entrance and zip lines to the ring, somewhat slowly, as the show ends.
That's the last image before Starrcade.
<B>December 28, 1997
<i>650,000 PPV buys
17,500 attendance
$543,000 live gate</i>
It's funny. WCW would reach strong heights in 1998 due strictly to Goldberg. But, this was something WCW had never done before with the way they built up the match. As you can tell from everything leading up to this, a lot was repetitive. Some was corny.
Nevertheless, this was the most profitable PPV in WCW's history.
I can vividly recall my father being so interested in Sting vs. Hogan that we ordered the PPV that night. My brother and I were only casual viewers of Nitro at the time (and before this the only WCW PPV we got was Hog Wild 1997….again b/c of our dad), full fledged WWF fans. But this fever caught our household.
Now the match has been dissected ever since that night. Sting evidently was not in top notch ring shape (was it a case of just ring rust having not wrestled in a year? The Rock's return last year had some rust but he did a pretty damn good job all things considered…) and the psychology of the match was out of whack.
After all the build, the majority of the match was spent with Hogan getting heat on Sting. Not Sting whooping his ass. Then, they do the shitty overbooked finish, which if executed properly MAYBE would have been okay. It was not. Nick Patrick, a great ref, happens to fuck up by counting at normal speed. This makes Bret Hart's involvement look ridiculous since he's supposed to be evening the playing field for Sting. So, for no good reason, the match restarts and only then does Sting get to pin Hogan and the big celebration happens.