Honestly.. If you can explain to me what the hell was going on with Russell Shepard on that final fourth down play I'll buy right in. Les has numerous clock issues today including calling the TO and basically committing to have to go for it on that final 4th down. And then to come out and have Shepard running around out there like a chicken with no head was a total disaster.
That Tolliver drop wasn't a bad thing at all for you guys. You wound up scoring a TD on that drive anyway and the extra time it ran off the clock kept Newton and the Auburn offense off the field. Other than the first drive and the drive where the ball was fumbled, Malzahn put Auburn in position to score every time. Newton did a great job taking what the D gave him and not turning the ball over. The punter is what kept LSU in this game today. If Auburn doesn't start 4 drives inside the 10, this is probably a 20+ point win today.
I do think LSU has a ton of talent and all, I just think that between Crowton not realizing that Jarrett Lee needs to be the starter full time and Les Miles seeming to have no clock management ability at all is killing that talent.