look, the real problem with Romo is that he plays for Dallas. before you flame me, hear me out...
The facts are he is an undrafted free agent who had a great college career at a I-AA school was spotted by parcells as having 'potential' which in the land of the Star means GOAT. He comes in and replaces an old washed up Drew Bledsoe and since he can actually out run the growing grass and thrwo the ball more than 40 yards everyone in Dallas is estatic. he then has some bad luck with a slick ball (yes the Walrus did in fact make sure a brand new slick ass ball went in for the XP, he is cuntbag that way) and he gets a rep for 'choking'. He then lives up to that rep by playing like a dog in December and also losing to teh Giants in the playoffs. All this while being touted by JJ as the 2nd coming of Staubach and he signs a monster deal to boot. He also has to change coaches in his 2nd full year and that run first mentality that made him look good was gone. If this guy was anywhere else he would be a qb that is growing into his role and be given that chance. But since he plays in dallas and the fans, as well as the idiot owner, expect this team to win the super bowl every year and they still havent won a playoff game this century, he is a choking dog.
he has the chops to play, he just needs to be taught and who on that team is in a position to teach him anything besides how to be a marshmellow and a yes man? Garret wants Wade's job and Wade wants his daddy's approval. Add to that his so called number one drops more passes than Braylon Edwards and (i mentioned this before) and offense bulkit to run being run by a coordinator who runs the ball almost as much as Andy Reid and it doesnt matter how good he really is. Now, he is not better than McNabb, or Rivers or Eli and especially not Roethlisberger so stfu with that noise. But he is a top 10 qb and a viable franchise qb. If he played for say Atlanta, where they have a young qb currently strug-a-ling, then maybe he gets less of this choking dog stuff from fromer team greats and the like. The fans dont help either when you have morons like Bringbakcjimmy and Durrville claiming that Romo is better than people who have won playoffs games (this includes flacco you dopey bitches) and that he is somehow 'elite' when he clearly is not.
If you put romo on another team does he suceed? maybe, then again maybe his flaws show up more clearly when there are no other factors to consider. Then again, maybe Romo is just a glorified bench warmer.
flame on.
P.S. I really fucking hate dallas and I couldn't be happier that they continue to suck in the post season.