I wish I was Scrubs
Welcome to the first ever VSN Round Robin Spectacular!
- This is a LIGHTWEIGHT round robin.
- Only created fighters using the 3000 points allowed by CAF will be permitted. NO CAREER MODE FIGHTERS ARE PERMITTED.
- There is a limit of ONE fighter per user.
- Fighters must be 6'2 or shorter.
- Any exploits known or unknown that are used will result in an immediate disqualification from the match.
- Each fighter must complete 1 match by June 13th at 11:59 PM or will be taken out of the round robin.
- Each match consists of three rounds that last 5 minutes.
- There is no order to the matches, anyone can face anyone at any time. Only the first official match is recorded.
- Any matches that do not take place by the end of the tournament will be awarded to the person who fought in the most matches. In case of a tie, it then goes by most wins, most ties, most KOs, most submissions, most TKOs, most decisions, and if need be, coin flip (in that order). An exception to this rule is if a fighter is unwilling to continue fighting, in which case he will be given the loss.
- The winner is based on points. Points are awarded for each match.
- 2 points are awarded for winning a match.
- 1 point is awarded for a draw.
- 0 point is awarded for a loss.
- Signups will occur in the "The Round Robin Spectacular! - Official Signup Thread".
- ANYONE can sign up regardless of partcipation in the VSN UF league.
- Signups will close on June 13th at 11:59 PM.
- Users must submit the following information in this template:
VSN Username:
XBL GamerTag:
Fighter Name:
Striking Style:
Grappling Style:
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