Seems decent enough. Some people are complaining of crashing issues but it seems perfectly stable to me.
It's still 'The Sims' through and through. If you've never liked the game before you certainly won't be changing your mind. I haven't really explored too much outside of my sim's home yet.
I went to the city pool and met some chick and then found out she was rich.
I chatted her up and eventually got her pregnant and married her. Once I married her I was able to kick her parents out of their house and move in so now I got this sweet big ass mansion
Occasionally you'll get 'opportunities' and those are probably the most annoying so far, I got one where I was supposed to talk to this guy but he was in someone else's house... So I'd go and knock on the door but couldn't get them to invite me in.
If I tried to walk in then some chick came running to the door and we'd both end up out on the porch talking when I'm supposed to be talking to the guy inside.
I eventually just said fuck it and gave up on him.
It's fun though. Like I said... It's The Sims through and through. If you liked the other games you'll like 3.