LOL, you'll see
LOL, tough Chicago crowd eh?
Please keep following it will smooth over.
I'm calm in real life to but when i get mad I swear, I'm sure Lovie is like that.
As for Angelo his character is completely made up but it's only 9 episodes in so things could change
LOL, as I said you'll see
I want to clear something up.
This will not be like all the other player chises where they just report on the teams game and maybe a little focus on the player now and then.
I want a full in depth look into this situation.
I really think this could turn out amzing but ya'll need to have patience, I'm setting up the story.
Sure some characters may seem unrealsitic but since no one in here has most likely met them and since I am not a Bears fan at all, I'm taking a shot in the dark as to their personalities.
Hester- immature, smug on outside, passionate on the inside
Angelo- doesnt like to be overruled and shown up, wants to be a leader, doesnt take shit
Smith- Calm most times, feels great compatriotship to his team
Please no more negative comments like MRN's.
If you don't like, don't read simple as that.
I really think this has potential but I need ya'll to beat with me.