Thoughts on PWS Supercard Night 1
-Trent Barreta and Sonjay Dutt
Unfortunately I missed it. It opened the show and must have been like 5 minutes long tops because it was over before the intro to TNA ended. I’m going to try to catch it on the replay.
-4 way tag team match between Black Hollywood, the South Side Players Club, D-Struction & Seduction, and Phat Pack ©
Really sloppy and ugly. Was not impressed by any of these teams. From a physical standpoint, the only ones who looked like they belong was D-Struction & Seduction who apparently are part of some stable called Reality Check. It was nice to see The Big Deal Craig Steel popping bottles at ringside though. Black Hollywood won with an incredibly sloppy and awkward double rollup.
-Kevin Steen vs Dan Maff
Honestly I had no idea who Dan Maff is. He is a big guy who looks tough. They were hyping him up to be some huge badass. Was probably the sloppiest Kevin Steen match I have ever seen as he struggled to climb to the top rope and almost lost his balance not once but twice. It had to have taken him a solid 15 seconds to finally get up there. He ended up getting choked out and then legitimately threw up at ringside.
-Simon Dean vs ???
I was really hoping this was going to be a serious match but already knew coming in from the podcast that it was a comedy opponent. The Drunken Swashbuckler came out and accepted the challenge. This came on at the same time as the TNA Gut Check match between Adam Pearce and Magno so I completely tuned it out. Only thing I saw was Simon Dean pull a Mike Rice and drill this Jack Sparrow guy with a basketball.
-Starman vs Alex Reynolds © for the PWS Tri State title
I’m assuming this is their mid level championship if a guy who has a video game gimmick is a serious contender for it. Anyway, the champ, Alex Reynolds is another member of this Reality Check stable and has the generic indy wrestler look. Long hair? Check. Lean athletic build? Check. General aura of douchiness? Check. Star man didn’t even wait for him to enter the ring before attacking him with a suicide dive. Finally the action got inside the ring and then some guy dressed in all black came in and attacked Starman. He unmasked himself and revealed himself to be Alex Reynolds. There are now two Alex Reynolds I guess. Anyway, quick pin by Reynolds to win the match and retain. That is until special guest Commissioner Big Van Vader came out and called bullshit and said he had to earn his title, which made no sense since he was already the champ. Anyway, the match restarts and Starman wins quickly in a squash and wins the title. This whole process lasted 6 or 7 minutes tops.
-7 Man Hardcore War between Apollyon vs Lucifer Darkside vs Necro Butcher vs New Jack vs Tommy Dreamer vs Matt Tremont vs Devon Moore
First off let me start by saying who is Devon Moore and why did he agree to be horribly mismatched in this matchup. He has to be 180 lbs soaking wet and up against some massive hardcore brawlers. Also, Necro Butcher, while never a particularly young looking man, looks like he could have been the grandfather of some of the kids on this show. The match actually started with 6 men because they couldn’t wait to get it on before New Jack made his entrance. New Jack immediately sliced open this Matt Tremont guy’s face and head with what was described to be a set of Wolverine claws. He then stapled some sort of paper to Tremont’s face. Quickly all the men then decided the screw the ring and made their way behind the crowd into the indoor soccer field which was awful because the cameras had no real way of covering the action from that far away. Tommy Dreamer and New Jack had one mildly interesting spot up atop some scaffolding with Dreamer falling off gingerly and New Jack diving into the group of wrestlers. For what was supposed to be a 7 man match, a majority of the action was New Jack and Matt Tremont. New Jack won and then cut a profanity laced promo towards Necro Butcher hyping their match tomorrow night.
-30 Man Battle Royal for a Heavyweight Championship Opportunity
The match started with 14 of the least impressive wrestling students I have ever seen and The Human Tornado, who I have heard of but honestly could not pick out of this lineup of bums. This rumble was a giant clusterfuck.
Notable entries and spots:
The Big O. This guy is a brick shithouse. Jesus Christ how has Vince McMahon not turned him into his next pet project. I know this guy from Twitter as he is apparently good friends with Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. This guy just clearly outmuscled and outclassed everyone else in this match. I swear he’s the only one of the 30 who has ever stepped foot inside of a gym.
Some guy they referred to as the Suburban Terrorist Facade. This guy looked like a knockoff Christian York but he did have the matches only real big spot as he immediately entered the ring and performed a running springboard flip of some sort. It was cool to see an actual high risk spot in what basically was the most basic and spot free rumbles I’ve ever seen.
Bonesaw. He came out with a chainsaw and appears to be pretending to be the character played by Macho Man Randy Savage in Spiderman as the announcers kept referring to his loss against Spiderman. Fairly well built for an indy guy.
VSN’s own The Big Deal Craig Steel came out as one of the first guys to replace the bums that got eliminated but the announcers apparently had no idea who he was. They referred to him as the guy with all the stars on his outfit. Someone must have keyed them in because they then one time referred to him as the Big Deal. He actually stayed in this match for quite a while simply by staying away from everyone else. He had one elimination that I saw that was actually pretty cool. What was sad was he was the only guy who got eliminated that was not mentioned by name because the announcers by…..
The HURRICANE Shane Helms. The only real surprise entrant in the match. I was hoping to see Carlito or someone else that had a real career but nope. This was the best they could do. He was the final entrant and clearly was not going to job out. He managed to chokeslam both Bonesaw and The Big O which was impressive but then he did a bunch of posing and eventually lost to Bonesaw.
After the match ended, Vader came out to congratulate Bonesaw and ask when he’d like his title shot. Bonesaw, obviously lacking any and all charisma said, “Bonesaw will face the Champ when Bonesaw is ready.” Way to completely disrespect yourself.
-John Morrison vs The Pope Elijah Burke
This was the match I wanted to see the most simply because I actually know who these two guys are. Honestly it was not either of their best matches that I have seen. Something just seemed off. I figured two guys with WWE experience would put on one hell of a show and blow away the crowd but it just didn’t happen. Elijah Burke may have hurt himself after getting caught on the turnbuckle and suspended upside down and the match really suffered from that point on. Morrison got the win after using Starship Pain, which is always really cool to see.
-The Rock N Roll Express vs The Briscoe Brothers
Honestly, I thought this match had trainwreck written all over it but it actually surprised me and was a pretty fun match. Despite looking like they could die at any moment, the Rock N Roll Express still actually moved pretty well. Robert Gibson actually executed a hurricanrana/head scissor take down at one point. The Briscoes, being true professionals did the job and the old guys won with the double drop kick.
-Colt Cabana vs Kevin Matthews © for the PWS Heavyweight Championship
Kevin Matthews I guess is the leader of this Reality Check faction which must be a really big deal because coming into the show they held two of the company’s three titles. He’s a well built guy who looks like he could have a future on national television at some point. Apparently he’s been screwed over in real life a few times because the announcer pointed out some 5 hour long shoot interview he did where he called out a ton of people. Colt Cabana was typical Colt Cabana with a lot of fun goofy offense but in the end, Matthews retained and is going to face Tony Nece tomorrow in another title fight.
-Jushin Liger vs Davey Richards vs Tony Nece
This match was easily by far the best on the entire show which should be a surprise to nobody. Tony Nece must have been playing it safe to avoid injury for tomorrows match because he spent a majority of the match on the outside and away from the action. I see what Warner likes in this Nece kid though. He is going to be in the WWF sooner rather than later. Good looking athletic guy with a solid mix of high risk and power offense. Attempted two 450 splashes that ended up being a tad sloppy. The first one was a scripted miss as he landed on his feet. The second one he overshot the landing and ended up driving his knees into Liger’s chest. Davey Richards had the highlight moment of the night managing to lock both opponents in simultaneous leglocks. I had never seen a person attempt to submit two people at once. Davey Richards looked great. Jushin Liger really stole the show though. For a guy who has to be in his mid 40s he was still bringing his A game. He was palm thrusting the crap out of everyone and had a really impressive powerbomb and frog splash on Nece. He got the win after hitting Richards with a brainbuster.
Overall notes:
The place was kind of empty. The crowd went maybe 4 rows deep around the ring. On the podcast, Warner had mentioned they were worried about breaking even. If tonight’s crowd was an indication, they are not coming anywhere close to breaking even.
The raffled off the opportunity for a fan to cut a 60 second promo in the ring. I’m assuming it was rigged because the guy who won must have been a well known fan because the announcers knew him by name and the crowd seemed to react well. This fat slob stumbled around the ring and spoke what I can only assume was English because I really couldn’t hear or understand a word he said.
They must really hate Extreme Rising. They took several shots at the company in the second half of the show.
The camera work was pretty bad. There were several times where the action was happening off camera for a good 10 seconds before they switched shots not to mention the previously mentioned problems with the hardcore scramble.
For one of the more well known indies, they sure do put a bunch of sloppy looking bums on their shows. Outside of Kevin Matthews, The Briscoes, Tony Nece, and The Big O not a single person on the card looked like they could be on national television.
Overall I would say it was worth the $9.99 because it was my first experience with the company and it did provide me with over 3 hours of entertainment but I doubt I would ever order another one of their shows unless they managed to sign someone ridiculous.