VSN Poster of the Year
You were playing a QB that struggles reading defenses and has trouble making any throws with defenders in the same zip code. Why not make him figure your scheme out instead of trying to figure out his? As a result the guys on the field looked lost & ill-prepared, especially the safeties. Polamalu spent all game guessing wrongly. Same goes for Ike Taylor at CB who either didn't know he didn't have help over top or got caught looking at the play-action or just got flat-out burned. They hardly ever came after Tebow. They just matched up man-on-man all the way across the board and made their linebackers a non-factor. Like ZB said there were no adjustments made at all. It was like some kind of weird dream because I saw Steelers uniforms on the defensive side but there were wide open receivers all over the place.
To comment on the defense, it seemed last week that KC was content in allowing Denver to run...they just didn't want to give up big plays. The Steelers did the opposite. They sold out to stop the run, and gave up a ton of big plays. Kind of stupid, because we just witnessed how KC's strategy worked. Just do the same thing. The Steeler linebackers spent the entire game standing still, "spying" on Tebow while the front 3 got no pressure. Very frustrating.