2011 Poster Of The Year
So this year we've had GSP demand Diaz get an instant rematch against Condit, Ben Henderson avoid facing Anthony Pettis, Anderson Silva refuse to face Chris Weidman while angling for a catchweigh against GSP, Jon Jones choose to face a middleweight with no wins at 205Ibs in the UFC, only Nevada stopping JDS from presuading Zuffa to give Overeem a title shot before Velasquez and Renan Barao sit on the sidelines waiting for Dominick Cruz.
What happened to the no-nonsense Zuffa that had learnt from boxing how letting champions dictate matchmaking was bad for business in the long term? And also what happened to the Zuffa that tried to abide by its stipulations?
You can put your head in the sand but the fact is that the inmates have taken over the asylum. The biggest stars can see the numbers and know that the UFC needs them to pull the big money and so have started to flex their muscles. And what is feeding it is the obvious desperatio and short-term thinking from Zuffa. This is a company that just two years ago felt strong enough to consign the biggest tv draw in the sport's history to fourth-tier matches and fire him after one loss, and rather than protecting Brock Lesnar booked him in two terrible stylistic matchups. And yet now in the first year of their game-changing tv deal they can't pull a viable pair of coaches out of their ass without overturning all their matchmaking principles? Its pathetic!