Aikman's argument is extremely stupid & wrong in so many ways. Lets break it down.
The NFL is not on 4 days a week. They only play on Saturdays for 2 weeks of the season. Thurday games dont begin until halfway through the season. So half the season is still 2 days per week, like the "good old days"
This theory of "over-exposure" is bullshit. People crave NFL football, the demand is high. Giving people more of what they want isnt going to make it less popular. There is zero tangible reason to believe NFL popularity is going downhill anytime soon.
The primetime matchups this year were horrid, but that doesnt mean people wont care about NFL football. Put good primetime matchups and people will watch.
Even if NFL football somehow became less popular, that doesnt mean another sport will become more popular. Fans dont flock from one sport to another.
And complete LMAO @ someone saying soccer is going to be the #1 sport in 20 years.
I think Aikmans is stupendous and yours is horrible.:wildthing:
The bolded is just so fundamentally wrong Im not even sure where to begin correcting it.
Keep in mind what his timeline is and it makes more and more sense. I (and apparently Nhaste) have been saying this for years.
Just random thoughts..
- You guys are SERIOUSLY underestimating other sports ability to build product. Listen, to be blunt I dont know what exactly makes NFL no.1 revenue,ratings ,water cooler chat , popularity polls etc ..I dont know.
What I do know is that it doesnt take much to knock a sport off its high horse and get peoples attention on something else.
-Are you guys really truly sure that NFL is incapable of any scandals ? Collusion,lockout,PED scandals,gambling, etc in the next few decades ?
Are you SURE MLB/NBA are in capable of producing some new era of magnetic personalities and superstars ?
- You guys arent paying attention to the product and Goodell. This isnt Rozelles , and Tagliabues NFL. Roger isnt anywhere near the football loving guy they were. He was hired for and is strictly a business minded guy.
Expansion and longer seasons will likely be paired with drastic new rules in coming years as more and more concussion start pouring in. Football wont see a "hey day" anytime soon.
- Influx of talent. The money is there and primary. But dont ever lose sight that the NFL is what it is because it draws the best athletes. Pansy moms terrified of concussions , young men choosing MMA or NBA because its the "cool" sport , or worse guys cutting there career short before even reaching NFL because there only sophomores but are showing signs of PCS.
-Fantasy Football ??
NFL will always be no1 or close because of gambling. Lets make that clear. But F.Football is breeding a generation of people who know nothing of the sport outside of individual numbers. So long as these people get mobile alerts about "there" team they dont need to watch the games. FF can be as detrimental as it is good.
-Theres alot of things that factor into a sports popularity.I can easily see the NFL not being the golden TV child it is now especially giving a 20 year timeline. Youre also ignoring the direction of TV in general. Live TV numbers will dwindle as the 40+ crowd ages and croaks.Sustained viewership is what keeps the NFL $ rolling in... Those numbers go down so does the tv $$$ when that lightens up the talent topic above becomes more relevant.
As for what else can take its place ? You guys are clearly not up on your sci fi.
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