Rob, the point clagaryballer was making, was that the UFC is not going to lower ticket prices right now, because they can charge what they are currently charging, and consistantly pull in millions of dollars at the gate, even without coming close to selling out. They could cut the ticket prices in half, and draw more in overall attendance, but at the expense of a lower gate. So you will keep seeing odd paid/comp ratios, because its not a giant concern right now.
It's the same argument that these goofs try to make sometimes "UFC needs to lower their PPV prices to $20, they would do so much more business!!!111!", not realising that if you cut the price in half you need to double the buys to break even on the price cut. That isnt going to happen. UFC is a premium product right now, both live and on PPV, and the strategy is correct. Why should a 5-star restaurant start serving $8 spaghetti & meatball plates, just to double up on number of plates served, but lose money in net sales? Makes no sense not to just keep serving a premium product to premium consumers, and too bad if the "spaghetti and meatball" crowd is left out.
And c'mon man, this entire thread was a subtle troll job, "but I bet they did a million buys", implying the ppv buys are rigged based on live attendance, which are two things that historically have little correlation to each other for various reasons. So of course people are going to "troll" back, but that was your goal anyway.