2: The presentation is the same. How many times do I want to hear the same line "Our Tale of the Tape" before every match. It's great if your firsting seeing it but after hearing it over and over it gets old.
3: I most likely won't. Because it will get old.
Lupes Full UFC Review
First off let's start by saying this game is pretty awesome but I can easily tell how boring it will get and how I will only be playing it for a month. Presentation is great if your seeing it for the first time but how many times must I hear "Our Tale of the Tape" before every match and the ref saying "Are you ready to fight?, Are you ready?" and the ref who does not know how to speak and just points at the guys. Then theres the same thing after a win. Anderson Silva will dance around and play a air guitar while brock lesnar will jump on top of the cage and point to the crowd. Before I talk about gameplay I'll tell you about career mode. It's not very in-depth as I expected and it's very repetive. I'll continue getting the same emails over and over about new UFC rankings and there completly useless. Also getting the same emails about how a guy gets injured and you must take his place in a fight in 2 weeks. Training is boring and the fact that they bring in new trainers to try to make it less boring is just stupid. Training with your guy (not simming) is basicly the only way to earn points to improve submission grapple and defensive skills after you max out training your strength and speed every week. It's best to go into a fight with about 80% stamina or higher. Credits are useless they do nothing for you as far as I know except give you a good rep. Career mode is great but gets very boring after awhile and the fact that fighters don't age in career mode makes it worse as for example my fighters 33 and it's 2013. Go figure.
Gameplay is very in-depth and the tutorial helps ALOT. I love the gameplay and when your screen turns black and white after you get or give a hard punch or kick. Controls are hard to learn but once you get used to them you'll enjoy this game even more. Online mode is the most enjoyable part. Getting into a game with friends is very easy to do and I have had no online lag at all. Also online I don't think you can face Heavy-weight VS Light-weight too and thats great.
Sound is great commentary is well done and fun to listen to. They really worked hard on the commentary. Create a fighter is nice but I expected more from it. WWE games (that THQ also makes) have great create a fighter/wrestler stuff to choose from and I expected that in UFC. Instead I get about 5 face-types and a small selection of tattoos. Shorts all look the same to me and the fact that you must pick a nick-name to be annouced and that they don't annouce your real name is dumb. My guys name is Eric Johnson and his name is not annouced. Also theres not alot of nick-names to be chosen from tho there might be more depending on what weight class you choose. One more thing is after a knock-out I noticed how the fighter falls down like a rag-doll. I knocked the computer out and he fell down and it looked like he broke his arm. Theres no movement at all after a knock-out and the guy lays there like a retard. I understand it's a knock-out but atleast make it more smooth when the guy falls down.
Overall UFC is a great fighting game if your only looking at gameplay. The game runs smooth and I'm enjoying it.
No ring entrances and the same pre-fight tale of the tape and touching gloves everytime.
Graphics are very smooth looking and fighters looks almost real. Looking at the replay after a knock-out is a really great feature.
Soundtrack sucks but commentary makes up for it. Sometimes when punching thin-air or missing a punch sounds like you really hit the guy. Sounds alright tho.
Enjoyable gameplay. Controls are hard to learn but you can catch on fast if you do the tut.
Replay Value
Prolly will stop playing it in 1-2 months. Game will get boring after awhile.
Overall: 7.5/10