It's not like Sanchez landed nothing. He hurt Kampmann in the second and was connecting on shots in the third.
As for Brian Bowles, it pays to be in the UFC...
Brian Bowles' Listed Payouts
WEC 35: $8,000 (show + win) + $7,500 SUB bonus = $15,500
WEC 37: $16,000 (show + win) + $7,500 KO bonus = $23,500 Total
WEC 42: $18,000 (show + win) + $10,000 KO bonus = $28,000 Total
WEC 47 [as champion]: $12,000 (show) = $12,000 Total
UFC Live: $????? (show + win) + $60,000 SUB bonus = ????
Numbers taken from wiki and only depict the commission amounts so no sponsor money or taxes, fees, etc.