My biggest issue with the whole thing, and I said this from Day 1, is that a one hour show filled with hype and focusing on one singular fight is not what brought UFC to the dance and goes completely against their promotional model.
Mamba is right, if the fight was great nobody would be calling this a failure, but they were willing to take that gamble and it backfired. They gave hoards of new viewers a negative view of the product, and the worst part about that is it was not what they normally do so it's like a disaster on top of a mistake.
My belief is you do what you do best, and you don't dumb down or change your product for anyone. If they had done a multi fight show with those great production values that FOX added to the table, and the fights stunk, at least you went down swinging with your best effort.
With that said, while this show will not win new fans or help grow the sport, I think they will get it right in the future. This shit was ugly but it's dead and buried, time to move forward.