Gameface for those who dont know about it.
Hi there,
I thought I’d give you a quick peek into our Photo Game Face feature in Fight Night. We’ve had tons of fun creating some very realistic, or sometimes some very bizarre looking new boxers for the game. Using this feature is a great way to put yourself, one of your friends or your favorite boxer in the game. I thought I’d show you the results we got using a photo of Brian ‘Brizzo’ Hayes our game play producer on Fight Night.
After uploading Brian’s photos, I placed the markers onto the images so Photo Game Face can accurately work out where to put features such as eyes, his chin and the basic shape of his face. This way, you aren’t just pasting a photo onto any piece of geometry. Photo Game face takes the photo and changes the geometry to fit, this makes the face you create much more individual looking and accurate. If you can get a side view of yourself or whoever you are creating, as well as the front view, then your head model will be even more accurate.
Placing the markers…
This is the result you get from the photo, the hair is a default one and facial hair colour isn’t set from the photograph, so that needs to be changed…
And here are the results once facial hair and skin-tone was changed. I also tweaked his chin and forehead to make it bigger with the advanced facial morphing tools and added facial hair...
For really good results, make sure you are in a well lit room or even outside so the light is very even. We found you didn’t get good results if there were loads of shadows all over your face.
With the advanced facial morphing section, you can push and pull the facial topography to really get accurate with the boxer likeness.
After playing with the face a bit more, you can go and tweak your boxer’s body type, attributes and all his equipment, plus much more. The Create Player section is pretty huge, so I won’t go into the details in this blog right now. Here’s a image of some of the screens in create Player:
After that, into the game…
Brizzo Vs Calzaghe:
Using Photo Game Face has been a lot of fun, we’ve created all sorts of boxers, and some people who aren’t boxers… but I’d get in trouble if I showed you those images!
That’s it for now.