A Special Kind of Cat


First off, I’d like to say I’m not an HHL series regular. This is the first iteration I’ve played since NHL 11.
In playing a sports game series that I haven’t played in a few years, I wanted to jump into a game as soon as possible. I fired up a quick game as the Boston Bruins playing against the Colorado Avalanche.
The first thing I noticed was the pre-game presentation. It’s top notch. I think they’ve really done a great job in capturing the feel of a hockey arena, especially during the pre-game introductions and warm ups. The crowd and atmosphere is one area that I’ve never really been impressed with in most sports games. You never really feel like it’s a professional sporting event. However, I felt that this game actually did it right. The crowd cheered every time I delivered a good hit and every time I scored (which, I’ll admit, wasn’t often haha).
For people that don’t dabble into the hockey games, it might seem like it’d be tough to get the player control down right since it’s on ice. I’ll say I felt in control of my player at all times. Whenever there was a mistake made or something, right away I knew it was my own fault and not just some horrible controls and gameplay, which is nice that you don’t have to worry about that every second of the game.
I thought it was pretty cool when I got into my first fight. I came across and just destroyed an Avalanche player who didn’t see me coming. He immediately got up and threw the gloves off. Of course, I put him on his rear once again. However, as the game went on, the AI kept picking fights. In the first game alone I was involved in three fights, which I thought was a little much and it took a little away from the fun and surprise of that first fight.
Returning to the topic of this game and how well it brings gamers into the game; I felt that Gary Thorne does a great job with the announcing in this game. His announcing is very fluid and it feels like he’s actually there announcing your game. I’ve always been a fan of his, and seeing him do so well with this game is nice. There are definitely other games out there where the announcing sounds phoned in and it just takes away from the overall experience, but you wont find that here.
I will say, I suck at this game. I haven’t won too many of the games that I’ve played. I don’t feel like the game is cheating me, though. Every time I lose, I know what I’ve done wrong and why I lost. My shooting needs a lot of work, but I really enjoy how in-depth the shooting can be. My only real gripe is that I feel your AI teammates don’t do the best job getting into position while on offense, especially on breaks. There were many times when I’d been streaking down one side of the ice and wanting to pass to someone in a better position to score, but they wouldn’t be there and I’d end up just turning the puck over.
The modes in this game are very enjoyable. How can anyone not love NHL 94 Mode? This mode will take any game and transform it into an absolutely awesome 16-bit game of gloriousness. Everything about it just brings out the nostalgia of playing these games as a kid. I haven’t been able to dig into the big modes like Be A Pro or GM Connected Careers, but I’m looking forward to.
Overall I’ve really enjoyed my time with NHL 14 so far. It does a great job of bringing the game of hockey to your living room (or wherever you game). NHL 14 does a fantastic job of immersing gamers. The gameplay and controls feel fairly tight and there’s rarely an instance where you feel cheated by the game. Many sports games over the years just phone in their iterations, but the NHL series feels and plays like a top-notch sports game.
Score: 8.5