War Hero
At another forum I post on they conduct a Forum Mock Draft where each team is represented by a poster, or group of posters working as a team, and they conduct a mock draft. The draft is usually around 3 rounds but we've gone through all 7 before. If you'd be interested, sign up for a team here. Up to 3 people can sign up for a team if they'd like.
Bills- SuperKevin
Patriots- Yawkey Way, xceltsxpatsxsox, Matt
Jets- hoodyallen, stealthshot, Juggernaut
Dolphins- houtz, MVP1991, Rylo
Colts- Gonzo, Archer, Berowsk
Texans- LC AAU
Titans- Woy
Jaguars- jaxjaggywires, the_obst
Browns- coked up elmo
Steelers- jHammack, steeljake
Ravens- Bmore
Chargers- T.Dot
Raiders- Tailback U
Broncos- Goblinslayer
Redskins- Argath the Faggot
Giants- EmpireWF
Cowboys- cbgolfer13
Eagles- OnlyOneBeerLeft, KCA EAGLE
Buccaneers- sappisgod
Falcons- Hova, nash13heat
Panthers- glenwillet
Packers- Ratty Ratzlaff
Lions- mgoblue, KleShreen
Bears- Chitown, USCBearsfan
Rams- CPollack09
Cardinals- Shogun
49ers- adembroski, trojan49ers, St. Francisco
Seahawks- lahey, dylantheworm, Bomberooski
Bills- SuperKevin
Patriots- Yawkey Way, xceltsxpatsxsox, Matt
Jets- hoodyallen, stealthshot, Juggernaut
Dolphins- houtz, MVP1991, Rylo
Colts- Gonzo, Archer, Berowsk
Texans- LC AAU
Titans- Woy
Jaguars- jaxjaggywires, the_obst
Browns- coked up elmo
Steelers- jHammack, steeljake
Ravens- Bmore
Chargers- T.Dot
Raiders- Tailback U
Broncos- Goblinslayer
Redskins- Argath the Faggot
Giants- EmpireWF
Cowboys- cbgolfer13
Eagles- OnlyOneBeerLeft, KCA EAGLE
Buccaneers- sappisgod
Falcons- Hova, nash13heat
Panthers- glenwillet
Packers- Ratty Ratzlaff
Lions- mgoblue, KleShreen
Bears- Chitown, USCBearsfan
Rams- CPollack09
Cardinals- Shogun
49ers- adembroski, trojan49ers, St. Francisco
Seahawks- lahey, dylantheworm, Bomberooski
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