We played once last year. Because you played with the raiders majority of your games. Alot of people did just because of the team speed.
I appreciate everyone who thinks I'm Top 10, 5, 15, whatever. I STILL to this day, remember when we first got the tracker( when Rhude kept up with it) and Izzy rated people based off of A, B, C etc rated. It went all the way down to H. They were also color coded, with PINK being the weakest people. Guess where yours truly was? In the pink lol. To this day, I still use that as motivation when I play. So for those who think they aren't getting respect, take it from me, you have to earn it. Like Houtz said, everyone has their day. One day I feel like I can't be beat and the next day, I can lose 3 in a row. at the end of the day, as long as my opponent respects my game and doesn't see me as an easy win, I've accomplished what I've wanted to since I've started playing online.