Correction. The Glazers can win. They can win by showing a commitment to the community and the organization. I have been a staunch supporter of the Glazers, but, they have shifted their focus onto Manchester United. They don't play their bills and they put all their liquidity into ManU. Do you really think Raheem was hired because he was the best candidate? He's cheap and the Glazers didn't do their due diligence. Why do you think I am so pissed? We are heading in a direction that is eerily similar to the Culverhouse days. There is a reason, that the Bucs offered guaranteed money instead of signing bonuses. Guaranteed money is a part of the salary and is paid out after the revenue sharing is dispersed. Signing bonuses are paid immediately upon commencement of the signing of a contract or it is paid out in installments quarterly.
I can't comment on the TBBMB as I hardly ever go there. It has always been an awful forum. However, some of the forums I have visited are not condeming Raheem simply because they don't like him. Many people are seeing that he has no direction. He says one thing publicly and then a week later changes his direction. It's fine if you see a need for change and you make the appropriate changes. Problems arise when you continue to admit you made mistakes and keep making changes. It makes people question when a correct decision gonna be made. Raheem can only be judged by his body of work thus far. And I can tell you that he is so focused on putting his stamp on the team that he is ignoring those who could provide valuable input. You don't actually think that everyone was on board with Josh Freeman do you? I came on this board and said Vontae Davis was a big favorite among those on the staff. Come draft day, NFL Network reported that the Bucs traded up to take either Vontae Davis or Josh Freeman. You don't think certain personnel men or a certain defensive coordinator wasn't pissed at the Freeman pick. There are people in that organization that believe Josh was/is a reach for a first round pick, but, for the good of the organization, they tow the line. Lucky for me, I don't work for the organization and I can criticize the selection. Add into the fact that he has had one of the worst preseasons for any rookie quarterback and that their are criticisms of him regarding his inability to even read a base defense and people are already worried. Raheem isn't though because he has a personal connection to the kid. That's what the pick was based on. A personal bias. Not tape, not evaluation, not scouting. It is the Chris Simms pick by McKay all over again.
I have seen enough mistakes and have heard enough about Sunshine behind the curtain to know that this was a poor choice. You may need more time, but, eventually you'll see and you'll realize that Sunshine is a product of Pat Bowlen hype that was created to bring down the asking price of Josh McDaniels and the unintended fall out was that the Glazers had a knee-jerk reaction and fired one accomplished coach for another who is unproven and also helped orchestrate the dismissal of Gruden...oh and he works cheap.