(This game hurt my heart)
Yea I talked shit in this thread and that's typically what I do. But I will say that I had to discontinue watching that game. 1st reason these coaches are too focused on making people happy, they need to stop trying to please everybody. I mean remember when it was 3-0 (eagles) and Dallas was 3rd & 1. Why the fuck they try to screen it to Roy? He's not that fast, he's not that strong. Matter of fact it wasn't even a screen, he just stepped back and caught the ball making us lose 2 yards instead of gaining 1. Why the hell we aint run a draw?
I'm tired of these Wide Outs (TO especially) getting on TV acting like a BITCH crying about not getting the ball. I'm tired of this Coaching Staff acting like BITCHES and feeding into that BULLSHIT.
Man I don't blame Romo, Hell Look at any quarterback trying to throw the Ball, if your line doesn't block well and you go people running into your blindspots how can you focus on the field? You can't becuz now you cant trust your line and you have to keep your eyes down field so now you're off target. The fucking Line aint blocked for Romo all year. We needed to keep Tony Sparono as our O-Line coach, look what he's doing for Miami...
And for those who doesn't give Romo elite status, that's cool. But what happened to Brady in the Superbowl against the Giants? His line didnt do shit, and Brady looked Shitty. Period..... And even with that One pick I think Romo threw 26 or 27 TD's and 13-14 picks that's better that A LOT of the league.
My Point? (To the coaching staff) Fuck trying to please mothafuckas fuck everybody bitching about the ball. If yall look at the winning teams right now, they're teams getting over their hump, which means they've suffered losing seasons. Which means people were upset but you never heard anybody go to the reporters saying "I want the ball!".... Bullshit.
To Yall! I'm still a Dallas fan but as a true fan I want to Choke each and everyone of them time to time. We've had O-Line injuries, we've had our home run hitter hurt (Felix) and we're picking up players we dont need. It all leads back to pleasing players.
But their Off-Season started Last Night and My chise started last night. Which means Dboy_DC is Jerry Jones and I'm the mothafucka running shit right there. If you want to check it out click the link on my SIG. "Championships Aren't Won On Paper" and I'm doing my thang!
Oh: Don't bring no real life shit there either, I don't want to hear about it there. If you want to talk shit about the Real Life Romo/Dallas Cowboys save it for Threads like these....
I'll see yall there... Update Tonight!